C.V. | Current Project | Publications

Research Interests
Anthropology of mental health, materiality, possession, healing, psychiatry, built environment

Research Area(s)


Dhruv Gautam is a PhD candidate at the Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig University, and member of the International Max Planck Research School ‘Global Multiplicity’.

He holds a Bachelors in Philosophy from Hindu College, University of Delhi and a Masters in Sociology
from Ambedkar University, Delhi. His masters thesis was an exploration of the psychic consequences of urban life under conditions of late-modernity and neoliberalism. Post his masters, he taught sociology and social anthropology for over two years at Hindu College, University of Delhi and Manav Rachna University.

His current project is a comparative ethnographic account of an in-patient psychiatric ward and a Sufi-based healing shrine in the metropolis of Delhi. He is particularly interested in the role of buildings and built environments and the ways in which they shape therapeutic practices as well as trajectories of sickness and convalescence.

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