Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Meetings

All doctoral students must meet with their entire Thesis Advisory Committee at least once a year: before leaving for fieldwork, shortly after data collection has been completed, and every twelve months thereafter.
The doctoral student is responsible for submitting necessary documents to the TAC before the meeting in advance and sending the TAC meeting report to the IMPRS coordinator. A meeting report is to be filled out as documentation of each meeting. A TAC meeting is officially valid only after the signed TAC meeting protocol is sent to the IMPRS coordinator.
What is the timeline for your TAC meetings?
- First meeting: Students submit a project proposal with a timetable (min. 7,000 words) as well as the completed and signed ethics form. This is the basis for approval of fieldwork and fieldwork funding.
- Second meeting: Students will submit a preliminary thesis outline with a timetable (5,000 words) to their TAC. The outline consists of a summary of the main idea as well as summaries of each planned chapter. The TAC evaluates progress and makes suggestions for the overall framing of the thesis.
- Third meeting: Students submit a revised thesis outline (2,000 words). It should indicate how far the student has progressed in the writing process and how many draft chapters have been finished. The student will also submit one full draft chapter. If the student is seeking extension of funding, a detailed statement about progress and further planned steps towards completion must be provided.
- On request, the TAC can meet also outside the scheduled annual meetings. When necessary, TAC members can also make a decision through an electronic consent procedure if a personal or online meeting is not feasible.
How do I prepare for a meeting?
Schedule the TAC meeting and book a room for it with the help of the IMPRS coordinator.
Prepare for the meeting and think about the questions and issues you want to discuss.
Send material about your research to your TAC members at least one week before the meeting. For the first meeting, this will be your project proposal and ethics form; for the second meeting, a preliminary outline of your thesis; and for the third meeting, a written progress report.
Fill out Part A of the TAC meeting report.
- Decide whether you want other scientists to attend the meeting as guests and coordinate with the TAC members to arrange this.
What happens during the TAC meeting?
- Discussion of your submitted material.
- Discussion of your progress and future steps.
- Discussion and advising on career development possibilities and plans, particularly during the second and third meetings.
What follow-up is required after a meeting?
- Part B of the TAC meeting report is to be finalized by the supervisor and other members of the TAC promptly after the meeting.
- All TAC members must approve and sign the report.
- Send the report to the IMPRS coordinator via email or using the provided form.
- The TAC meeting report serves as a reference for tracking progress between meetings.
- If the meeting revealed concerns about progress or problems with the student-supervisor relationship, the chair should contact the IMPRS coordinator
Estimated duration: 90 minutes.